CruzPro Ltd. |
About CruzPro
We are a New Zealand company that develops and manufactures specialized hard-to-find electronic products for the marine market with emphasis on the world cruiser. Our engineers have a collective 3-1/2 years experience cruising North & Central America and much of the S. Pacific over the past 25 years. Many of the product ideas and specialized features came out of the practical needs of those trips and suggestions of fellow cruisers. CruzPro brand instruments are either unique, offer unique features not found in other products, or offer exceptional value. For years CruzPro has been developing state of the art digital gauges and instruments. Their uses are numerous but include Marine, Recreation Vehicles, Experimental Aviation, Automobiles and Trucks, Cruise Ships and the Industrial sectors. Our instruments are used on fire trucks, ambulances, the USA and New Zealand Coast Guard and the military of at least three countries. CruzPro's gauges and instruments have a reputation as accurate, reliable, easy to use and rich with innovative features. Through the use of microcomputers, the gauges have a built-in intelligence. These gauges go far beyond being simple. The FU60 fuel gauge, for example learns the shape of the fuel tank, completely eliminates sender errors and computes fuel usage rate and time remaining. NMEA 0183 serial data output from CruzPro gauges allow the information to be repeated in remote locations or shared by other instruments and computers. We have customized products for numerous companies worldwide and even brand these with their brands. Those products are not shown on our website. Although we do not do consulting, we do develop products for other organizations as long as it provides on-going work for our factory. Being able to cut and paste from our large selection of software we can do so very cost effectively. Contact us if you are interested. |